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Welcome to Healing Spirit
Transformative Healing

 The human energy field is a dynamic system intimately linked to our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It's an undeniable fact that our body is energized and powered by intricate energy systems. The heart rhythmically pulsates with energy, and the brain, along with the nervous system, orchestrates this energy throughout our entire body. This energy field continuously adapts to the myriad of physical, emotional, and spiritual demands of our whole being.

 Although I am a Reiki Master (RMT) as well as a Crystal Healing Practitioner, unlike these traditional Energy Healing modalities that primarily focus on the initial set of seven chakras, I delve much deeper, also addressing the second through the seventh set of chakras and beyond, up to 108 of the 114 chakras.

 My unique approach, intuitively assisted by the Devine, taps into the expansive energy field that envelops the body, individual organs, every cell, the emotions and the soul itself.

I offer a practice of Multidimensional Quantum Healing and incorporate some Vibrational Healing methods, which are powerful energy healing techniques to reconnect you to Source, rid you of attachments, cords, blocks, etc. 


 The focus is on locating and removing the energies that do not serve your greater good, so that you can embody more of your souls unique frequency and access deeper and higher self guidance.


 My sessions connect, heal and clear charkas, energy bodies, meridians, blocked organs, muscles, bones and lymphatics. They remove trapped thoughts and emotional trauma from muscle memory and through all templates of the body and its energy systems and field. Removing 'negative', interfering entities and spirits from all dimensions and realties.  

 These sessions are deep, powerful and loving, transformational healings and work on the alteration of frequency with the channeled power of infinite Source Energy. Based in love and peace, they create a comfortable and blissful way to let go of the deepest most difficult to navigate traumas.
Each session includes a variety of areas which may require healing:
– Interference from entities, spirits, attachments, cords.
– Balance Chakras and Energy bodies/Aura
– Current and Past life trauma
– Karmic Clearance on your karma or relationship with others
– Quantum DNA/Vibrational Field-Ancestral Healing

– Reconnection or a more direct connection to Source Energy
– Quantum and Vibrational Field TimeLine Healing, Past and Future, and much more. Each session will be tailored to suit your current requirements.


 You will find that each session with me will increase intuition, strengthen your Energy field by removing blocks, better higher self integration and connection, awakening your gifts and purpose.

 During a treatment, people will feel different things, physically and emotionally. Many people say that a treatment can feel like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around them. 

 Sessions are via video call or phone as it works just as well as a remote healing option. However, if you're located within Tucson only, in person sessions are possible.


 MQV Healing treats the whole person, including body, emotions, mind and Spirit, creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

  The primary aim of MQ Healing is to remove energy blockages that may have occurred in the body and as a result have caused physical or emotional dis-ease, and Vibrational Healing's is to remove Energy field blockages, and installs that have held us back from our true selves, and realign us with Source energy and our purpose.

 I also offer powerful, Divine Readings.

 A Divine Reading is a method of receiving guidance from the Divine, I sometimes use Oracle cards as a tool.
It is a gentle, beautiful way for you to connect and receive guidance from the divine messengers, your spirit guides and higher self.

 It’s like having a warm, inviting conversation with a trusted friend or loved one where you leave feeling uplifted, surrounded by and filled with love.

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